Last but not the least… We believe that preparing for college is also supposed to be fun and exciting. So expect to have a taste of what college life – specially UP life – will be like in our review program.
There will be lots of new faces and you will make lots of new friends from other schools in Bicol.
The review instructors – while learned and subject matter experts – are wacky, zany and relatable. They’ll treat you like they do UP students – that is to say, they’ll talk to you (not talk down to you), listen to you, respond to you, respect you. In other words, they’ll treat you like the adult you’re on the verge of becoming – giving you more freedom to express yourself but also expecting you to be more mature, responsible, and able to handle yourself properly.
While attending our review classes, you will experience what it is like to be a UP student trying to join an academic student organization. You’ll have to accomplish missions and complete the so-called Review Masters sigsheet. [See here for a preview of the sigsheet we used last year: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=523910054312521&set=o.385641154785342&type=1&theater]
Whats the point? Well, UP Life (as well as college life in general) IS fun and by showing our students a taste of what life in UP could be like, they become even more determined and motivated to get into UP.
And you see, when a student REALLY WANTS to be in UP, the battle is already half-won. It’s that intense desire to be in UP that helps one rise to the challenge of studying everyday, without fail, just so he/she can realize his/her dream of getting into UP.
And of course, there’s the fact that a fun learning environment is a stimulating, exciting and dynamic environment. At Review Masters, learning and reviewing never ever have to be boring.
So, what do you say? See you this Summer?